3 steps to getting unstuck


Tomorrow is officially the first day of spring. Although new beginnings can technically happen whenever you so choose, there is something special about the ones marked by the calendar. They are an open invitation to start fresh. Spring brings more energy, excitement, and inspired action. It is an opportunity to overcome obstacles, breakdown blockages, and get clear on what you want for yourself moving forward.

Here is a three-part journaling exercise that's a powerful way to breakthrough where you feel stuck and start spring with more purpose and mindfulness.

Step 1: Review. Take a few minutes to reflect on your year so far. Without judgment, define your reality. Assess your life holistically—relationships, career, personal care, health, etc. What has and hasn't been going well? What are three important things for which you are grateful? What areas would you like to see improvement in? What's holding you back/preventing you from making progress in those areas?

Step 2: Release. Now is the perfect time to release anything that's no longer serving you. What stresses, doubts, insecurities, fears, perspectives, old narratives, limiting beliefs, etc. are you holding onto that you are ready to let go of? Write down everything that you want to release. Imagine life without this burden weighing you down. How does it feel different? How do you go about your day? How do you carry yourself? What types of things are you doing that you aren't doing now? Connect to that feeling of lightness, of energy but release the thoughts, the specific visions.

Step 3: Reset. Maintaining that connection to invigorated energy, set an intention (or 2 or 3) that captures the essence of what you want to cultivate in your life moving forward. Setting an intention is a tool to help you design a lifestyle that supports your values. When you live in alignment with your values you feel a greater sense of purpose, fulfillment, and happiness.

Intentions are different than goals—they allow for more flexibility and exploration. Your intentions create a roadmap, guiding principles, while your goals are mini destinations, specific outcomes, along the way.

For example, say someone feels bored with and stuck in their daily routine. A goal might be "I will take a cooking class." The intention might be, "I live with curiosity," or, "I operate from a place of curiosity," which can manifest in a number of different ways like choosing to engage in conversation with new people more frequently, trying a new activity (like the cooking the class), and becoming more familiar with your thought patterns (i.e. if you notice that you're often telling yourself that "you should do something," start to ask, "why do I feel like I should do it? Do I want to do it or do I feel obligated to do it?").

Once you have your intention(s), write down 3-5 ways that you can start living in accordance with it.

In good health, 


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