3 ways to get organized and feel amazing


We are easily influenced by our environment. Our productivity and sense of ease decreases when we're around clutter because it's distracting! Here are three ways to spruce up your surroundings

1. Clean out your closet. Most of us have a few things we're holding on to because "we might need them someday." Is that true for you? If so, I recommend donating or selling items that you haven't worn in over 6 months (unless it's seasonal). If that seems daunting or you just aren't ready to part ways with that outfit you wore in college because it might fit again someday or it might come in handy, then choose only 3 items that you do feel comfortable getting rid of. Removing old things will make space for new, fresh things!

2. Purge your pantry. Take everything out of your pantry and throw away items with a past-due expiration date. It's amazing how packaged goods can build up and stay in our pantries forever. Here are a few pantry staples I recommend always having on hand:

  • Dressings: extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar

  • Herbs/spices: salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, cayenne, turmeric

  • Canned goods: tuna, sardines, white beans, black beans, chickpeas, diced tomatoes (no sugar added)

  • Whole grains: quinoa, rice, oats

  • Flavor enhancers: coconut oil, ghee, chicken or vegetable stock (no sugar added)

  • Treats: raw honey, dark chocolate (72% or higher)

  • Protein: almond butter, peanut butter, walnut butter, collagen powder, RX bars or Kind bars 

3. Wipe down your workspace. When you go into the office today, run finger over your desk and you'll notice how much dust has accumulated... unless you regularly clean your desk, in which case, major props! In order to wipe down your desk you'll likely have to move some things around so while you're at it, throw away anything that you don't need. Outdated post-it notes, candy, completed expense reports, etc.  

Have fun with this! Listen to good music, make fun snacks, do whatever it takes to make this a refreshing experience. Trust me, after you're done, you'll feel fantastic—and who doesn't like feeling fantastic?

In good health,


P.S. In the spirit of being organized, I want to tell you about my Urban Wellness Workbook designed to help people break through areas in life where they may feel stuck, access the life they envision, and live with higher purpose and joy.